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Vegan/Plant-Based Meet Up: Veganized Seafood Recipes with DAM Good Vegan

Wed, May 15, 2019

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT

Culinary Center of Annapolis at Whole Foods Market

200 Harker Place, Suite 100, Annapolis, MD, 21401, United States (map)
  • Health
  • Vegan
Event Description

Vegan/Plant-Based Meet Up: Veganized Seafood Recipes with DAM Good Vegan
Wednesday May 15th, 6:00PM-8:00PM
Guest Speaker: Danni McGhee
Danni McGhee is a vegan chef, plant-based nutrition coach, author, and educator. Her brand, DAM Good Vegan, is an educational platform dedicated to inspiring and encouraging individuals to choose a plant-based vegan diet for optimal health & overall well-being. She is passionate about making vegan food simple, affordable, and DAM Good! She provides support and guidance on the principles of plant-based nutrition while introducing fun and easy ways to incorporate healthier options into their already busy lifestyle. She offers online courses and detox programs to support the transition to a plant-based vegan diet. Her book, Ready To Go Vegan, is a guidebook that includes 7 day meal plan, vegan grocery lists, transition tips, and a 30-day vegan success tracker to keep you committed to your health goals. When you work with her, you will be empowered and equipped with all the knowledge and tools you need to make healthier choices every day. For daily vegan inspiration, follow along on your favorite social media sites at @DAMGoodVegan! And for more information, visit!
Join us and learn how to veganize popular seafood recipes from Danni McGhee, vegan chef & plant-based nutrition coach! You will learn top tips on how to make the transition to a plant-based diet simple, affordable, and DAM Good! (Remember to RSVP).
Cost: $5. PER PERSON. Register online at link below. Registration fees may apply.

RSVP on Meetup