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If you would like a description:
“VegEvents.com is the largest vegan event calendar. Find an in-person or virtual conference, festival, or market where you can gain support for going or staying vegan.”

If you would like to add a banner on your site, we have some samples below. Please link them to: https://www.vegevents.com

We also have information on how you can embed the VegEvents search on your organization’s website.








Search Widget

Would you like to embed the VegEvents search page on your organization’s website? Use the code below to get started. And please ensure that you are including the “powered by” image with a link to our main website and a link to our event submission form.

We also recommend that you contact us to let us know where you are using the widget so we can notify you of any future updates.

And please consider donating to keep this running.


powered by VegEvents

Do you know of an event not listed? Click here to submit it to VegEvents.

The HTML Code

To change the widget height modify the number in height="400" to another pixel value.

Widget URL parameters

Customize the iframe source URL to filter the event results displayed in the widget.

iframe – This is the only required parameter.

Example: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe

country – Filter results by country and only show events with a location in that country. Accepts a 2-digit country code. Also includes worldwide virtual events unless you add the hide_global parameter. Can be combined with state parameter to filter results further.

Example 1: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&country=US
Example 2: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&country=GB

em_search – Filter results by keyword phrase. Requires action parameter be set to search_events_grouped.

Example: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&action=search_events_grouped&em_search=vegan

hide_global – Hide worldwide virtual events. These are virtual events that do not have a location specified.

Example: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&hide_global

hide_paid – Hide paid events.

Example: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&hide_paid

near – Filter results by latitude and longitude. Requires action parameter be set to search_events_grouped. Displays the location as Your Current Location if geo is not set. Defaults to 50 mile radius if near_distance and near_unit are not set. near_unit accepts mi or km.

Example: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&action=search_events_grouped&near=40.7127753,-74.0059728&geo=Your+Current+Location&near_distance=50&near_unit=mi

organizer – Filter results by event organizer name. Separate multiple organizer names to search for with a |, which will return a list of events matching any of the organizer names. And replace spaces with %20. This filter is not case-sensitive. Contact us if you get unexpected results.

Example 1: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&organizer=Plant%20Powered%20Metro%20New%20York
Example 2: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&organizer=Vegan%20T-shirt%20Day
Example 3: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&organizer=Plant%20Powered%20Metro%20New%20York|Vegan%20T-shirt%20Day

state – Filter results by state and only show events with a location in that state. Requires country parameter to accurately filter results. Also includes worldwide virtual events unless you add the hide_global parameter. Contact us if you get unexpected results as results may vary depending on your state.

Example 1: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&state=NY&country=US
Example 2: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&state=England&country=GB
Example 3: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&state=NY&country=US&hide_global

tags – Filter results by event tag names, separated by commas. Show only events with specific tags, or hide specific tags from results with a minus sign before the tag name. The names of available tags are listed here and must be formatted exactly as shown in the parentheses.
Activism (social-action)
By Donation (donation)
Conference (conference)
Free (free)
Fundraiser (fundraiser)
Kids and Families (kids-and-families)
Lecture (lecture)
Market (market)
Not Vegan (nonvegan)
Paid (paid)
Panel Discussion (panel-discussion)
Retreat (retreat)
Social (social)
Sustainable (sustainable)
VegFest (vegfest)
Vegweek+ (vegweek)
Virtual (virtual)
Women Only (women)

Example 1: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&tags=vegfest,market,conference
Example 2: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&tags=vegfest,market,conference,-virtual
Example 2: https://www.vegevents.com/?iframe&tags=social-action